Our Services

We are here to help you, your cat and your vet. We are an advice only service which means we cannot make a diagnosis or recommend treatments. We are not here to sell you anything so our advice comes with no strings attached. We are here to listen to you, help you understand and help you choose the best options for your cat.

Set up a video consultation with our experienced vet

Initial Consultation + Follow Up

  • A review of the full history of your cat’s problem including veterinary diagnostic tests and treatments
  • Time to listen, understand and explain – 45minute video consultation
  • Feedback to your veterinary surgeon
  • 20 minute follow up consultation with you

Additional Follow Up Consultation

  • 20 minutes video consultation, plus feedback with your primary care vet
  • Recommended after re-check and new tests
  • Monitor treatment progress
  • Review of overall health status